Thai Film Museum is the only Learning place in Thailand gathering information, instrument and equipment of Thai film industry from past to presents, for all visitors to study and enjoy the exciting of history of Thai Film.
The exhibition concept originated from “Sri-Krung Films & Sound Studio”. The reasons are not only its simply, artistry, and unique; but also intention to be a memorial of the great film studio, an honor of the nation. Exhibitions inside the museum are divided into 3 topics; 100th anniversary of Thai film, Hall of fame, and the process of movie production.
Muang Maya – An outdoor exhibition that combined all recognized scenes from the history of Thai and international film i.e. Kinetoscope parlor, Grand café, Nickelodeon, Sam Yot City Gate, Mongkol Company Theatre.
Sri Salaya Movie Theatre – A 121-seat community theatre shows both its own conservation film and others from around the world. The place also serves variety of leaning activities through film, which regularly plays according to the schedule.
Organization Museum

Address And Contact Number
Telephone : 02-482-2013
Fax : 02-482 2013-15
Website :
Email :
Operating hours
- Library : Monday - Friday at 09.00-17.00 hrs.
- Museum : Sat - Sun, and Public holidays : 5 shows per day
at 10.00 11.00 13.00 14.00 and 15.00 hrs. - Muang Maya : Sat - Sun, and Public holidays at 10.00-17.00 hrs.
- Sri Salaya Movie Theatre :
Tue- Fri : 1 show at 17.30 hrs.
Sat – Sun : 2 shows at 13.00 hrs. and 15.00 hrs.
Public holidays : 1 show at 13.00 hrs.
Admission fee
Getting There
- Air-conditioned bus no. 515, 547, 84ก.
- Bus no 124, 125, 84ก.
Proper for General Public
Proper for Children
Credit Card