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Museum Thailand

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Sirinthon Plant Herbarium Museum

06 November 2018

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The building consists of 3 floors, which have 4,238 square metres in total spaces, with the following facilities: 


Level 1 


Kasem Room (Kasem Chandraprasong) serves administrative affairs and general contact of the research group. 


Ampai Library (Ampai Yongbunkerd) has more than 2,000 titles of Thai and foreign books, academic papers, journals and printing materials on herbarium, specifically plant taxonomy. 


Jarey Sadakorn Room compiles important documents and preserved books.


Lakshnakara Room (M.C. Lakshnakara Kashemsanta) houses the foundation stone used in the opening ceremony in which Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn signed her name on. The room exhibits academic knowledge on herbarium and relevant research works.


Burachat Chaiyakorn Room serves as herbarium and plant genetic conservation laboratories. 



Level 2 


Founded in 1920, Bangkok Herbarium Museum is the first of its kind in Thailand. Since the late era of King Rama VI, the museum has housed examples of plant species to serve the study of plant taxonomy, as well as to examine scientific names of plants, or epithet, that accounted more than 80,000 numbers by which Dr. A.F.G. Kerr, a Scottish physician, had paved the way for the survey and collection of plant species. Majority of plant sampling are dried samples and early prototypes of plant sampling used for the definition of scientific names. Almost all of these names were found in Thailand for the first time. In addition, there is a laboratory that serves the operation of specialists and visitors who has a necessity to use plant sampling.  


Craib Room compiles type specimens that served as the first reference example for the definition of scientific names.  


Kerr Room stores historical documents on herbarium study in Thailand and images of Thai plants. 


Rabil Room, Noey Room and Put Room are botanical laboratories. 



Level 3 


The floor has the study room of Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, the Chairman of Plant Genetic Conservation Project of Thailand, conferred to the Department of Agriculture with the purpose to serve as a part that implements Her Royal Highness’s initiative in establishing plant genetic resources of the museum. 


Ratchanee Chamchumras Room serves as processing room and includes the computer network of the Plant Genetic Conservation Project under the Royal Initiative of Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. The room also stores plant genetic resources.     


Kasin Room (Kasin Suvatabundhu) is a meeting room that serves the education of herbarium and plant conservation for general public.    


Sakol Room has the collection of plant parts preserved in liquid preservatives. 


Native Herbarium Room compiles native plants, herbs, spices, equipment and tools, which contain wooden elements. The north side has a sampling room that stores seed, fruit and flesh of plants.


Ratchanee Chamchamrus Room stores information on Plant Genetic Conservation Project under the Royal Initiative of Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and plant genetic resources.






Government Organization

Organization Museum

Agriculture, Science, Medical, Technology, Lifestyle And Nature.

Important / Interesting artifacts

Tucked in the south side of Princess Sirindhorn Plant Herbarium Museum, Kru Wong Garden is home to rare plants, as well as Thai and foreign ornamental plants. Kru Wong’s unique exhibits include Amherstia Nobills, the chandelier-like reddish orange flowers with a length 50-90 cm in bunches. This small perennial plant has grown sparse and bushy. Known as one of the world’s most beautiful flora, the Amherstia Nobills rarely reproduces. Amherstia Nobills planted in Bangkok can be tracked back to the era of King Rama V as the plant was brought back to Bangkok by a royal page who followed His Majesty the King Chulalongkorn on his visit to Burma, whereas the one beside the museum building was grown from seed. Visitors can treasure the beauty of Amherstia Nobills around late winter to the beginning of summer. 


In front of the museum building is the Melodorum fruticousum, which blooms from December to April. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn had presided over to plant this sweet-smelling flora in the opening ceremony dated 21 February 2000. 


Address And Contact Number

Department of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, 50 Phaholyothin Road Lat Yao Khet Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
Telephone : 02 - 940 5628
Fax : 02 - 579 0548
Website : http://www.doa.go.th/pvp/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=119
Email : pvpo@doa.go.th

Operating hours

8.30 am - 4.30 pm

Admission fee


Getting There

From Ngamwongwan Road, enter Gate 1 and continue for 700 metres. The museum is on your right, next to the central library of Kasetsart University

Proper for General Public


Proper for Children


Credit Card


Advanced Booking


Disability Information

Disabled toilet room, elevator



