
Croppie is a fast, easy to use image cropping plugin with tons of configuration options!

View on Github


var c = new Croppie(document.getElementById('item'), {
    viewport: {
        width: px,
        height: px,
        type: 'square|circle' //default 'square'
    boundary: {
        width: px,
        height: px
    customClass: '',
    enableZoom: true|false, //default true // previously showZoom
    showZoomer: true|false, //default true
    mouseWheelZoom: true|false, //default true
    update: function (cropper) { }
// bind an image to croppie
    src: 'path/to/image',
    points: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
// set the zoom programatically. Restricted to the min/max values of the slider
// get crop points from croppie
var data = c.get();
// get result from croppie
// returns Promise
var result = c.result('html|canvas').then(function (img) {
    //img is html positioning & sizing the image correctly if resultType is 'html'
    //img is base64 url of cropped image if resultType is 'canvas' 

Or you can use jquery


$('#item').croppie(method, args);



  • boundaryobject

    The outer container of the cropper

    • widthpx

    • heightpx

  • customClassstring

    A class of your choosing to add to the container to add custom styles to your croppie

  • enableZoomDefault true(previously showZoom)

    Enable zooming functionality. If set to false - scrolling and pinching would not zoom.

  • showZoomerDefault true

    Hide or Show the zoom slider

  • mouseWheelZoomDefault true

    Enable or disable the ability to use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on a croppie instance

  • viewportobject

    The inner container of the coppie. The visible part of the image

    • widthpx

    • heightpx

    • type'square'|'circle' (default 'square')


  • get()returns object

    Get the crop points, and the zoom of the image.

  • bind({ url: 'path/to/image.jpg', points: [x1, y1, x2, y2] })returns Promise

    Bind an image the croppie. Returns a promise to be resolved when the image has been loaded and the croppie has been initialized.

  • result({ type: 'canvas|html', size: 'viewport|originall' })returns Promise

    Get the resulting crop of the image.

    • type: 'canvas' returns a base64 encoded image string.
    • type: 'html' returns html with the positioned correctly and overflow hidden.
    • size: 'viewport' returns the cropped image sized the same as the viewport.
    • size: 'original' returns the cropped image at the image's original dimensions.
    • * size is only applicable on canvas results
  • setZoom(value)

    Set the zoom of a Croppie instance. The value passed in is still restricted to the min/max set by Croppie.

  • destroy()

    Destroy a croppie instance and remove it from the DOM


  • update(croppe)returns Croppie

    when the croppie is dragged around or zoomed, update is fired.


Basic Example

var basic = $('#demo-basic').croppie({
    viewport: {
        width: 150,
        height: 200
basic.croppie('bind', {
    url: 'demo/cat.jpg',
    points: [77,469,280,739]
//on button click
basic.croppie('result', 'html');
Vanilla Example

var vanilla = new Croppie(document.getElementById('vanilla-demo'), {
    viewport: { width: 100, height: 100 },
    boundary: { width: 300, height: 300 },
    showZoomer: false
//on button click
Upload Example

$uploadCrop = $('#upload-demo').croppie({
    viewport: {
        width: 200,
        height: 200,
        type: 'circle'
    boundary: {
        width: 300,
        height: 300
Upload a file to start cropping
Hidden Example

When binding a croppie element that isn't visible, i.e., in a modal - you'll need to call bind again on your croppie element, to indicate to croppie that the position has changed and it needs to recalculate its points.


Browser Support

Croppie is supported in the following browsers:

IE9 may be supported, but it isn't tested. If you're able to test it and let us know, please do so on Github.


Croppie was built by Foliotek for use in Foliotek Presentation.

Check out some of our other open source tools: AjaxQ | LTI Tester